Sunday, December 19, 2010


Reverb's Prompt-a-Day Blog Challenge

December 19 – Healing. What healed you this year? Was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? How would you like to be healed in 2011? (Author: Leonie Allan)

Is anyone ever completely healed? I think healing is a process. I've often thought I was healed of some emotional hurt, only to feel it reappear out of nowhere. Eastern medicine says that all emotions, from the time we are born to the present, are stored in our cells. No wonder they keep cropping up at odd times, but especially when we are in a physically weakened state.

So, while acknowledging that I am in the process of being healed, rather than healed, I would have to say that QiGong and the macrobiotic diet are the primary reasons. I've written about macrobiotics recently, so I won't repeat myself here. The QiGong practice I've been learning for the past two years is based on medical QiGong. The basic idea is that stagnant energy needs to be cleared from the body and the organs need to be toned, all on a daily basis. When energy stagnates in the body over a period of time, disease and/or disorder sets in. QiGong gets the energy moving in a very flowing, non-stressful way. I find it very meditative.

I look forward to continued healing in 2011 of body, mind, and spirit. More writing, healthy eating, QiGong practice, exercise, meditation, SoulCollage and art journaling should do it. And love. Let's not forget love.

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