Tuesday, April 5, 2011


The distance from the top
Of the ladder
To the flat rock
In the path
Is proportional
To the pain.

I imagine the arc
Made by the top
Of my head
And the ground,
As in those too brief seconds
I flew earthwards.

There was no thinking:
It just happened,
And was over.

Lying there
On my back
In pain
I could move my limbs,
I went over each inch
Of my body, asking,
"Are you okay?"

My head complained,
But missed the rock
By an inch or two.

I could crawl.
Later I could stand, walk,
But not without constant pain.

Pain, the not-so-gentle messenger
That we are earth-bound, gravity-lovers,
That no matter how much our spirits soar,
We cannot fly.

Ellen B. Rust