I'm sorta kinda participating in a prompt-a-day blog challenge, led by a group called #reverb10, designed to get you to "reflect on this year and manifest what's next." There's a different prompt author each day. When you sign up, you promise to post a response either on your blog or with a tweet every day for the month of December. (It doesn't have to be words--you can post pictures as well.) When I say sorta kinda, what I mean is that I didn't sign up officially, but I plan to do it. Or try to do it. I don't like to make promises I might not be able to keep, and with the way my life has been going, that's a real possibility. But the operative word is "try." So, here goes.
December 1 One Word.
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
(Author: Gwen Bell)
Change. There have been some major changes in my life this year, starting with my older brother's illness. In January he went from being an on-top-of-things banker to an invalid when a brain bleed--cause still unknown--struck him down. He's walking and talking now, but it's still a scary ride. Family dynamics are still changing, too.
Change. My health. 2010 was the year I went from size 12/14 to 6/8 without trying, thanks to acid reflux. The year I became mostly vegan/mostly macrobiotic out of necessity. I'm still getting used to myself.
Change. Water, water everywhere. The house didn't get flooded in May like so many in the area, but we have been dealing with moisture for months. As in, the roof still leaks and nobody can figure out where it's coming from.
Change. Inner, spiritual. I'm not sure what direction I'm beginning to move in, but change is definitely in the air. I'm taking a 9-month sabbatical from my poetry therapy work to explore it. More like a hibernation or a self-styled retreat. I'm curious. Stay tuned, she says to herself.
What word do I hope I will be able to say captures 2011? Balance. (Ha! I've been after that one for more years than I care to count.)
Couldn't have chosen better words myself, Ellen! I'm thinking the trick is to PRACTICE balance more often.
It seems like so many people have been dealing with health issues this year, all kinds of them. I hope your family heals along with the rest of us.
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