Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Reverb's Prompt-a-Day Blog Challenge

December 22 – Travel How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year? (Author: Tara Hunt)

How did I travel? What does that mean? By car? By plane? By the hardest?

I think I traveled by roller coaster. That's the kind of year it has been. Family illness, my illness, the house's illness, all of which are ongoing, but getting better. This has been a year of change, and all the ups and downs have brought me to the same place: it's winter, and I'm hibernating. Looking inward. Lighting a candle in this cave and studying my shadow. Not afraid of the dark, I'm facing it with curiosity. Looking at myself honestly. For real. That's so hard, but if not now, when?

How and where would I like to travel next year? The year has already begun, and the journey. I can see only as far as my next step. Are you brave enough to travel with me?

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