Reverb's Prompt-a-Day Blog Challenge
December 16 – Friendship. How has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year? Was this change gradual, or a sudden burst? (Author: Martha Mihalick)
I write with two groups of women who are extraordinary. Some of us have been writing with each other for 6-1/2 years. Over the years, we have peeled the layers from our selves and revealed our souls. There is no longer any shame or fear. We are who we are and can be absolutely real in each others' presence. Writing has done this, and the poetry therapy process has been the catalyst. We have met together almost weekly, setting aside one morning a week as THE time to explore our thoughts and hearts in the presence of others. We were strangers in the beginning, and the friendships grew slowly. The transition was so gradual, I didn't even notice for a while.
A large network of like-minded people has grown from the contacts in these core groups. I am amazed to watch it expand almost daily, reassuring me that there are sane, caring people all over the world, lots of them. We are beginning to find each other. The process is exciting.
Part of the awesomeness about our group for me has always been that no one knew each other ahead of time -- and I'm not sure that everyone would have been friends had we met one-on-one in more superficial settings -- and still those strong bonds formed.
I agree Marushka.....I too think it is incredible that we all approached this alone, and then came out together!! Very nice, very unique and we are all very lucky!!
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