Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Beautifully Different

December 8 – Beautifully Different. Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful. (Author: Karen Walrond)

What do I do that lights people up? Maybe my dry wit, which I learned from my father. What makes me different? My head is usually in the clouds, so I'm seeing things differently, or I'm just seeing things.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

ginger said...

When I read this, I immediately saw your face, with a mischievous smile and twinkling eyes, and know that you just said something hysterically funny. Yes, your humor lights me up. Also, your kindness, your love of my dogs, your adventuresome nature, your love for plants and creatures and the moon, etc. etc.