Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Checking In

Well, I seem to have slipped into that deep, dark hole that swallows up bloggers everywhere. I'm just checking in to say that I'm still here, but technology has defeated me again. I'll spare you the details. What I hate most about it is seeing how dependent I've become on technology. The computer is down and my yesterday was ruined. Really? Really. Now, how stupid is that?! Especially in light of the lethal tornadoes that came through last night. Technology woes are nothing to that. By bedtime I was reassessing my priorities.

Today is blue-skied sunny, with temperatures dropping throughout the day, from about 70 to 30 degrees F. So, though my yard is littered with tree limbs waiting for us to play pick-up-sticks, I am thankful for:

my life
my husband's life
the dog's and cat's lives
a house with a roof on it
food, clothing
this computer and its Internet connection

and today I'm doing laundry to stay centered.

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