Friday, February 22, 2008

Does Time Really Fly?

Do you ever get to the end of a week and wonder what in the world you did with with all the days and nights? Wonder what you have to show for it? Even accounting for my temporary insanity brought on, of course, by the full moon on Wednesday--and, for Pete's sake, a lunar eclipse!--I feel like I have done nothing. Nothing that I can codify, categorize, or claim credit for finishing, anyway. Maybe if I had done at least one load of laundry--for show, because it really didn't need doing--I would have a sense of accomplishment. No, I doubt that that would have helped. I think that the Critical Parent is sitting on my shoulder with a clipboard, looking for something to tic off. (In that case, I should have done the laundry.)

I say all this, yet I know that I did accomplish some very important things: I helped my friend Ga get her first novel ready for presenting to agents and editors; I facilitated two writing group sessions that were satisfying to all (I think) attending; I took in my first of many viewings of the Monet to Dali exhibit at the Frist. I'd go on, but you'd be bored...

So, okay, I did use some of my time wisely. But then, in the middle of the week, comes this Story of the Day (below) from the Brian Andreas website. Reminding me that what's important is not the laundry and the list on the CP's clipboard, but doing what nourishes my soul. And why do I feel undernourished? Because I haven't spent enough time writing or making art. Bottom line. I'm still hungry. There is exactly enough time for those things, but I've got to do them with my first tier of energy, not my last.

So, how did you spend your time this week?

"Everything changed the day she figured out there was exactly enough time for the important things in her life."--Brian Andreas

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